You're in the right place to start your construction project with University Facility Services. Please see some options below for getting started.
Renovation Project
FM Renovation Services provides project management and estimating that may be as simple as rekeying a cabinet to remodeling several offices or laboratories. This could include painting, flooring, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC work and more - completed by our Facilities Management trades shops and Business Partners.
Complex Renovation or Construction Project
A Project Proposal Process is used for larger renovation projects and new construction of buildings with identified funding.
These projects generally utilize contracted firms under the direction of Project Managers at Planning, Design & Construction (PDC).
Additional Help
If you'd like some additional guidance on how to proceed with Construction Requests with University Facility Services, give us a call
Need Maintenance Instead?
For routine maintenance and repair, you can initiate a Service Request or call 520-621-3000